Cheap, but effective drugs for prostatitis

inexpensive medicines for the treatment of prostatitis

The identification of prostatitis requires a balanced approach to the selection of essential and auxiliary drugs.

For effective therapy, it is necessary to visit a urologist, buy cheap and effective drugs for prostatitis as prescribed by the doctor.

What are the most effective pills for prostatitis

Many men hope to find a remedy for a quick and complete cure of inflammation in the affected gland.

The disease has many negative manifestations of different nature: pain, urinary retention, spasms of smooth muscles, which require the use of different groups of drugs.

For chronic and acute prostatitis, a drug complex is prescribed:

  1. Antibacterial compounds.
  2. Medicines (often plant-based) to activate metabolic processes in the prostate gland.
  3. Antispasmodics and analgesics.
  4. Anti-inflammatory names.
  5. Compounds that improve blood circulation.

In the treatment of prostatitis, various synthetic and natural based drugs are used.

The pharmacological category of drugs is most effective in the acute inflammatory process. Herbal remedies are most often prescribed for the chronic form of pathology, to prevent relapse.

Preparations for inflammation of the prostate

You can not take pills or use rectal suppositories that help a colleague or relative: when prescribing drugs, the doctor takes into account the form of prostatitis, the degree of damage to the prostate, the nature of the restrictions, the type of pathogen. Improper treatment does not work, interferes with the early elimination of the inflammatory process and is harmful to health.

For chronic prostatitis

what drugs to treat chronic prostatitis

The main task is to prevent relapses. The pain syndrome is mild, the discomfort is moderate, the urination process is partially restored.

The optimal complex of drugs for chronic prostatitis:

  • compounds for the activation of blood circulation;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • symptomatic remedies;
  • alpha-blockers;
  • decoctions and tinctures with soothing herbs;
  • drugs for the normalization of metabolic processes in the prostate;
  • vitamins and restorative compositions.

For acute prostatitis

The main task is to stop the pathological process, to prevent further progression of the disease. The urologist prescribes drugs to prevent the transition from an acute form of prostatitis to a chronic one.

Groups and names of effective drugs:

  • Antibiotics. Drugs suppress the activity of infectious agents.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. The names of the NSAID group block the pathological process, eliminate swelling of the prostate tissues and reduce pain. In severe inflammation, powerful hormonal agents are prescribed in a short course.
  • Painkillers and antispasmodics.


For prostatitis, the formulations of the following groups are used:

  • Non-steroidal drugs (NSAIDs).Active suppression of the inflammatory process, pain reduction, swelling. The prolonged effect of the new generation formulations allows you to take 1 tablet per day. It is important to take into account the state of the digestive tract: non-selective NSAIDs actively irritate the mucous membranes.
  • Hormonal agents.Drugs are prescribed for a severe pathological process, severe pain, low efficacy of NSAIDs. The course of treatment is from 7 to 28 days.
  • Specific formulations to combat inflammation of the prostate.Preparations in the form of suppositories and rectal tablets.


Analgesics - second-line drugs (adjuvants) in the treatment of prostatitis. Most often prescribed in the acute course of the inflammatory process against the background of excruciating pain. NSAIDs and analgesics are used to reduce pain.

A powerful anesthetic is prescribed for severe discomfort, the course lasts no more than 5 days.

Some drugs (injections and rectal suppositories) not only relieve pain, but also eliminate blood congestion, reduce swelling of the prostate gland.


When an infectious agent is identified after analyzing a biomaterial, the urologist assigns names, the components of which suppress the activity of the pathogen.

For chronic prostatitis, a man receives pills, against the background of an acute course - injections and formulations for oral administration.

It is important to destroy the lesion to prevent the spread of infection to nearby areas.

To improve blood circulation

With a prolonged course of prostatitis, without adequate therapy, pain and congestion develop.

Against the background of poor blood circulation and tissue edema, antibiotics are absorbed less and the effectiveness of treatment decreases.

In parallel with the antibacterial compounds, the urologist prescribes drugs to improve the blood supply to the tissues of the prostate.

To stabilize metabolic processes in the prostate

It is important to periodically follow a course of treatment for a chronic form of the disease in order to prevent an exacerbation.

It is impossible to stop therapy prematurely if the symptoms are less pronounced or have disappeared: violation of the instructions reduces the effect of taking formulations to restore the functionality of the prostate.


The urologist selects the optimal form of the drug based on the results of bacterial culture. During the study, the laboratory assistant indicates in the decoding sheet the most harmful active ingredients for the identified microorganism.

Antibiotics of different groups have a good effect in the treatment of prostatitis:

  1. Macrolides.High treatment efficiency in the detection of mycoplasma and chlamydia.
  2. Fluoroquinolones.Broad spectrum drugs.
  3. Tetracyclines.Active effect on chlamydia and mycoplasma, but more side effects than macrolides.
  4. Next generation penicillinscombined with clavulanic acid. Modern drugs show high effectiveness of therapy against the background of good tolerance.

Popular cheap products

Unfortunately, many drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate belong to the high price category. The costs of treating the chronic form of the disease increase against the background of long-term use of compounds.

It is quite difficult to find an effective tool at an acceptable cost. It is important to consider the number of suppositories, ampoules, capsules or tablets in the package.


There are many different opinions on inexpensive drugs for the treatment of prostatitis. Many men note the high effectiveness of therapy with the combination of antibiotics, antispasmodics and drugs to improve metabolism in the prostate gland.

There are also a lot of negative reviews about the nature of the treatment, mainly for the chronic form of the disease. Most negative opinions are associated with the hope for the earliest possible elimination of signs of pathology, but with recurrent prostatitis, a long (up to 6 months) drug is required, strict adherence to the schedule of use.

Many men violate instructions, take a shorter course than they should, drink alcohol, smoke, continue to lead a sedentary lifestyle, do not attend physiotherapy or self-medicate.

With this approach to therapy, even the latest drugs for prostatitis and the advice of an experienced urologist do not help.

It is important to consider this point before starting treatment to avoid disappointment and neglected cases of pathology.

Treatment of recurrent inflammation of the prostate gland requires not only patience and careful implementation of the doctor's recommendations, but also significant financial costs. Doctors advise to treat the disease at an early stage so that the acute form does not turn into chronic.